Swedish units of measurement

In Sweden, a common system for weights and measures was introduced by law in 1665. Before that, there were a number of local variants. The system was slightly revised in 1735. In 1855, a decimal reform was instituted that defined a new Swedish inch as 1/10 foot. Up to the middle of the 19th century there was a law allowing for the imposition of the death penalty for falsifying weights or measures. Sweden adopted the metric system in 1889.





unit relation to previous metric value Imperial Value
pot - 0.966 L 0.85 Qt
tunna 2 spann -
ankare - 39.26 L 34.56 Qt
ohm 155 pottor 149.73 L 131.806 Qt
storfavn - 3770 L (3.77 m³) 3318.662 Qt (829.666 Gal)
kubikkfavn - 5850 L (5.85 m³) 5149.64 Qt (1287.41 Gal)


unit relation to previous metric value Imperial Value
skeppspund 20 lispund 170.03 kg 375.426 Lb
bismerpund 12 skålpund 5.101 kg. 11.263 Lb
lispund 20 skålpund 8.502 kg 18.771 Lb
skålpund 2 mark 0.42507 kg 0.937 LB
mark 50 ort 212.5 g 7.496 Oz
ort 4.2508 g 65.6 Gr


unit relation to previous metric value Imperial Value
kabellängd 100 famnar 178 m 195 Yd
a distansminut ... 185.2m 202.5 Yd
kvartmil ... 1852m 2025 Yd (identical to nautical mile).
sjömil 4 kvartmil 7408 m 8101 Yd


See also

External links